TO be good and follow the rules and laws
Antony's speech was not only impressive and well phrased, but by including proof of crucial props, he won the crowd over and convinced them that the conspirators not only deceived to the people of Rome, but also murdered their King.
Answer: Couplet
“The fourth, and final part of the sonnet is two lines long and is called the couplet. The couplet is rhymed CC, meaning the last two lines rhyme with each other.” -Sparknotes
<em>Those </em>is a word for a demonstrative pronoun.
Demonstrative pronouns are those that are identifying and pointing out something. They can point out a person, a place, a moment, and can be singular or plural.
However,<u> in this specific sentence, there is no pronoun, but those is used as a demonstrative adjective. </u>
The words for demonstrative adjectives and pronouns are the same (<em>this, these, that, those</em>), but the difference is that the pronouns stand-alone, <u>adjectives stand with the noun and modify it.</u> The only difference is in the structure of the sentence.
<em>Those </em>stands with the word <em>scouts </em>and modifies it, showing us which scouts do we talk about. <u>That is how we know it is the case of the adjective and not the pronoun. </u>
the core's extreme temperature and density are just right for the nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium through the proton-proton chain.Energy is made through the process of nuclear fusion. This is when two hydrogen nuclei join to make helium. This occurs in the sun's core where there is very high pressure and temperature.
Nuclear fusion of hydrogen to form helium occurs naturally in the sun and other stars. It takes place only at extremely high temperatures. That’s because a great deal of energy is needed to overcome the force of repulsion between the positively charged nuclei. The sun’s energy comes from fusion in its core, shown in the Figure below. In the core, temperatures reach millions of degrees Kelvin.
# Bora 7#