The answer to the following question is attached within a word file.
Aftertax income 47,278.7
Sales 14,600 units at $14.30 (10%Δ) 208,780
Cost of goods sold (unchanged) <u> (116,800) </u>
Gross profit 91,980
S&A expenses; 5% of sales
208,780 x 5% = (10,439)
Depreciation (unchanged) <u> (14,000) </u>
Operating profit 67,541
Taxes (30% of operating profit) <u> 20,262.3 </u>
Aftertax income 47,278.7
A. Political
PESTEL analysis is an instrument used to analyze and monitor the macro economic environmental factors than can have an effect on the organization.
PESTEL is an acronym for
P - Political
E - Economic
S - Social
T - Technology
E - Environmental
L - Legal
Political Factor - This is all about the role government plays in the economy. This can include – government policy, political stability or instability in overseas markets, foreign trade policy, tax policy, labour law, environmental law, trade restrictions etc.
Studying this would enable organizations respond better to current trends and prepare better for future legislations.
The statement that says a code of conduct should be worded in terms of forbidden action rather than acceptable behaviour is false.
The judicial acts and laws that prohibit unlawful actions and the code of conduct that provides information about the ideal and acceptable behaviour that are distinct from each other in terms of wording that is used to draft them. A judicial act mentions what is not to be done and a code of conduct mentions what is to be done.