1. Only half the collection of the Louvre is on display.
2. In addition to being a museum, the Louvre has also been a prison.
3. The present palace was built to display the royal art collections.
4. After the French Revolution, it became a public museum.
5. In 1989 I.M. Pei designed the glass pyramaid for a new entrance.
6. Pei's design actually has 673 panels.
7. The new entrance was required to handle the growing number of visitors.
Wazzup lol give you what?
a fish in a wave
where the fish present live if keep on swimming
and the wave present life challenges that makes you keep swimming
length is L
mass is g
temp. is C or K
volume is s
time is m
m is for minutes prolly
g is for grams which relates to mass prolly
L prolly just stands for length
C as in celsius and K as in kelvin which is a scientific temperature measurement
and then volume is s because its the only one left
Composition in art provides artists with guidelines, helping their art to be understood by the public.