People feel way more comfortable leaving details about their life on the internet compared to talking about it in person. People can say a lot of things behind the screen that they won't say out loud. This leads people to share a lot more personal stuff with a lot more people.
This kind of detail sharing writing attracts a certain kind of reader because it becomes more personal. It can also turn some readers away because they disagree with the writers choices.
In the 1990 film adaptation, Jack is portrayed by Chris Furrh. He is sixteen, two years older than Ralph, and has blond hair. Like all the other boys in this version of the story, Jack is American and attends an unnamed American military boarding school. He wears the rank insignia for cadet first lieutenant, making him the third-ranked cadet on the island, after Cadet Lieutenant Colonel Ralph and Cadet Captain Roger.
Jack in this version speaks faster than his British counterpart in the 1963 film does, and more often. He swears violently, more than anyone else in the film. He is vain, arrogant, and immature, but as he becomes leader of the Hunters and then ousts Ralph as the Chief, he quickly adopts a brutal and authoritarian style of leadership. In this version of the story, several boys leave with Jack immediately when he declares he will form his own camp. Jack relies on Roger throughout the film as a right-hand-man and enforcer.
Jack is visibly shocked when Roger kills Piggy, but does nothing about it. Instead, he drives Ralph away and soon sets most of the island on fire in an effort to force Ralph out of hiding. When U.S. Marines land just as the boys are about to kill Ralph, Jack, like the others, is completely surprised and unsure of what to do.
Jack's last name is never said in the 1990 film, or is his cadet rank actually referred to. He quickly dispenses with his uniform and any formalities of military rank, in any case, and all the boys simply refer to and address him as "Jack", or as "Chief" once he has overthrown Ralph and taken charge as the new leader.
A man is constantly affected by nature and unwillingly sees others' feeling as his own. We can't abstain from being slaves of our surroundings. Our opportunity lies in finding a domain that will impact us absolutely. You may my thoughts intriguing but its just an opinion.
Answer: Economic deprivation has increased both petty and violent crimes, turning some cities into murder capitals.
Explanation: Economic deprivation is a lack of basic necessities of life in a society. If an individual lacks some material benefits, important to an everyday life there is huge tendency that the individual will resort to crime.
The proponent of Conflict theory believes that the economically deprived set of people will revolt against those hoarding the scarce resources and using it for their own personal and selfish reason. Class struggle will ensue among the group of people.
Economic deprivation can reduce social trust and encourage disorganization in the society which can birth another social problem of people indulging in crimes.