Weird question but ok...
The bacteria digest the milk sugar (lactose), producing lactic acid as a result. Lactic acid causes the casein to curdle, or separate into lumps, and gives the milk a sour smell. Cheese is made the same way — by curdling milk — except the milk is curdled on purpose. Most cheese is made in factories.
Ha lives in a war-torn country. How does she hope her life will be turned inside out?” Listen for students to refer to the second stanza on page 4: she hopes that soldiers will no longer patrol the neighborhood, she can jump rope after dark, and she will not have to hide from danger.
Albus was put in Slytherin. The sorting didn't make a bad choice because maybe Albus could raise the Slytherin House liking considering everyone in the Harry Potter world be hating on them. So with a Potter in Slytherin it could help the house.