The reason why Koala bears are restricted to live in a
certain habitat is because they can only eat a certain type of eucalyptus leaf.
These bears are indigenous to Australia. They are nocturnal and live in tropical
where temperate eucalyptus forest can be found.
Watching The moon with his telescope
A group of individuals of the same species occupying a particular geographic area. Populations may be relatively small and closed, as on an island or in a valley, or they may be more diffuse and without a clear boundary between them and a neighboring population of the same species.
The subject is the noun that is receiving the verb. In 1 the subject is Australia, and the predicate is 'in the world.'
Stage III Interpretation
There are three stages of perception process
• Exposure
• Attention
• Interpretation
During perception, the sensory receptors are active and they receive stimulus from their surroundings. However, the complete perception of any stimulus is interpreted by the brain because only brain is capable of differentiating between the sensory stimulus based on the pathway followed by them. On the basis of perceived information, action potential signals are generated that are sent back to the sensory organ (perceiving the stimulus at their end) for further responses.