In Churchill's "Blood, Toil, Tears, and Sweat" speech, he invites the House to approve of the war measures he has put into place.
This speech is a famous one given by Prime Minister Winston Churchill at the beginning of WWII. His call "to wage war, by sea, land and air, with all our might and with all the strength that God can give us" is now famous in British history.
Specifically, he uses the word invite in the context of "I now invite the House, by the Resolution which stands in my name, to record its approval of the steps taken and to declare its confidence in the new Government."
He has just created a War Cabinet that will hopefully provide strong administration for the nation against the German threat. He is then seeking the government's support of his actions.
Answer:always present, they are inaccessible.
I am writing the program of my life
I am the programmer of my life
I am executing my program of life
Speech thoughts actions all have effect on others