Do you have the options? But I would guess he borrowed from Love Labour's lost and The Tempest.
While traveling through the Second Ring, Dante and Virgil come across a place with many dark trees, but no actual people. They can hear voices screaming in pain, but they can't see them. Virgil tells Dante to break off a twig from one of the trees, after which the tree cries in pain and starts bleeding. Virgil then explains that all of these trees are souls of people who've hurt themselves during life, those who have willingly discarded their own bodies and committed suicide. Thus whenever the tree is hurt (a branch broken off), they feel pain as if they were dismembered.
old and outdated
I mean the encyclopedia is 40 years old, and it cant be factual or reliable because she failed it. It never said anything about it being valuable so theres your answer. (I also knew the word beforehand but theres some sort of explanation)
The struggle or clash would be the conflict(C) because conflict is a disagreement or a clash of ideas.