This is true. Many kings would plan and carry out invasions to gain goods, land and other loot and to expand their rule because many of them worried that another power would get too strong and take over their kingdom, and every king wanted to avoid that because they had become very fond of being king.
Answer: i think it’s to contain communist aggression
1 – <span>Jesus Christ is the Only Way to Eternal Salvation With God the Father
2- <span>We Are Saved by Grace Through Faith – Not by Works
3 –Jesus Christ is the Son of God 4- <span>The Incarnation of Jesus Christ
5 – <span>The Bodily Resurrection of Jesus Christ From the Grave
6 –The Ascension of Jesus Christ 7 –<span>The Doctrine of the Trinity
8 – <span>The Holy Bible is the Inspired and Infallible Word of God
9 – <span>We Are Baptized With the Holy Spirit at the Moment of Salvation
10 – Regeneration by the Holy Spirit 11 – <span>The Doctrine of Hell
12 – <span>The 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ Back to our Earth</span>
According to Greek mythology the most important gods and goddesses lived on Mount Olympus, where it was believed that they not only lived but carried out complicated social lives.