Well if you want to make a speech about a zoo I can help you!
A zoo has animals such as lions, tigers, zebra's and lots of other animals.
There can be petting zoo's too where you can pet the animal.
Did that help you?
If not it's okay. You will learn slowly.
सारंगी , इसराज, दिलरुबा, तारशहनाई, सरोद, बांसुरी आदि वाद्य संगत के लिए उपयोग में लाए जाने लगे। आधुनिक काल के आते -आते हारमोनियम, वाइलिन आदि पाश्चात्य वाद्यों का भी प्रयोग शास्त्रीय संगीत में संगत वाद्य के रूप में किया जाने लगा।
Answer is in the file below
Number 9. The word its needs to be it's because it is short for it is.
Answer: B. Regulate the interaction
Explanation: Jerry's behavior or actions while his friend was speaking depicts a combination of non-verbal communication methods or behavior which can be used to regulate an interaction. Actions such as leg crossing, slouching - which involves sitting in a lazy or uninterested or weary manner and yawning which depicts tiredness or sign of sleepy feeling are ways of informing the speaker to round up or shows signs of being uninterested or tired of the conversation.