True, because they were born on american soil.
The need for affiliation corresponds to the belongingness level of needs in abrahm maslow's hierarchy of needs. Belongingness is the third level of needs in abrahm maslow's hierarchy of needs. The third level represents the social need for affiliation, also known as love and belonging.
Not really. All 3 major branches of philosophy ethics, epistemology, and metaphysics involve the reflection of morality, science, religion. Searching for more knowledge and trying to obtain an understanding leads to a reflection in most cases. If you were studying for something and you got the answer wrong and then saw why you got it wrong, you are reflecting on your mistakes. In a similar way, searching for the understanding of an unanswered question will lead you to a possible answer that you will reflect on.
Their parents might not think their child is capable of doing such things, and the reason why might also be because they are "too busy".
The parents might also have drug problems of their own