a:visual balance
Never forget that every element you place on a page has a weight. The weight can come from color, size, or texture. Just like you wouldn’t put all your furniture in one corner of a room, you can’t crowd all your heavy elements in one area of your composition. Without balance, your audience will feel as if their eye is sliding off the page.
It's important because in a person's life, there will be things that are risky (hard).
There will be options in your life that you will need to make. There also things you may need to be aware of, so not every time you may be lucky.
The long, thin rectangle above the front door is called a door frame.
government departments, universities or research facilities.
Scientific photographers use photo imaging techniques, such as infrared, ultraviolet or thermal imaging, to take pictures that illustrate or record scientific or medical data. ... They often work on scientific teams and are employed by government departments, universities or research facilities.