You are going to write about what you like to wear during the different seasons of the year. Include as many details as possible
about the clothing you usually wear. First use the boxes to plan what you will write. You will use these notes when writing your paragraph. Writing Criteria
Communication 5 Points You provide abundant information about what you like to wear to school and parties All the information in your sentences is organized and can be easily followed Your paragraph has few mistakes in grammar and vocabulary 3 Points 1 Point You provide some information you provide very little about what you like to wear information about what you to school and parties like to wear to school and parties Most of the information is Most of the information in organized and can be easily your sentences is disorganized followed and hard to follow Your paragraph has some Your paragraph has many mistakes in grammar and mistakes in grammar and vocabulary vocabulary Accuracy Now you can write your paragraph. Make sure you include the following information: • clothing you wear to school • clothing you wear during the four seasons of the year • special clothes or accessories you wear to a party or other event