I am pretty sure that the answer is B my friend.
The works they collected were culturally popular.
most of the works they had depicted revolutions and the history of cities, most of which supported new artists.
Hrosvitha, Aphra Behn, Susanna Centlivre
hope this helps
I’m pretty sure the answer is b not sure tho
A good book's definition varies completely from person to person, here's a few good rules:
don't make each chapter overly short at least 3-5 paragraphs each!
as well as say whose Pov Is what (whose talking when) always mark that!
And proper grammar and proofreading always helps too!
- what are you writing about cause a good book for a harry potter fan and a good book for a phantom of the opera fan can have two different Definitions, because one person likes a specific genre or subject for a story.