The current price is $3,863.99
The precious price is $5,599.99
The actual difference in price is $5,599.99 - $3,863.99
=$ 1, 736.00
Percentage decrease will be actual decrease/ original price X 100
= $ 1736.00/ $5,599.99 x 100
=0.31 x 100
The Department of the Treasury manages Federal finances by collecting taxes and paying bills and by managing currency, government accounts and public debt. The Department of the Treasury also enforces finance and tax laws.
Give me brainliest answer pls
If I had to guess I would have to say ( based on the design ) they would be around $35-$50.
Answer: Fee simple defeasible.
A fee simple defeasible is a transfer of property that has conditions placed on the property. The holder of a fee simple defeasible has the property as a "fee simple" subject to the given condition. In a case whereby the condition is not met or violated then the property will go back to the grantor or a specified third party.
In this case, if the first church of Magnolia allows alcohol to be sold on the land, the property will be given back to Kasen or his heirs.