These terms have been loosely used and associated with each other. They signify the same thing, however, there are subtle differences between the two. Here are some similarities and differences between a headline and a title:1. Headlines are commonly used in news (i.e. newspapers or broadcast reports). It is straightforward and precise, and doesn’t leave room for more questions as it is a brief general statement given to a news article/report/story.2. On the other hand, titles are mainly used in feature magazines. Titles for articles don’t necessarily need to give the entire information immediately similar to a headline. Feature stories and other creative writing pieces commonly use titles.3. Titles in journalism, meanwhile, can mean differently. The title of a newspaper is the name of the newspaper publication. It is sometimes called as the “nameplate” of the newspaper.Although these are just subtle differences and there are actually no international rules governing the usage of the two. It is important to understand that there are in fact differences in the usage and meaning of both headlines and titles. However, they are both similar in a way that they are found above the articles or write ups. And they both tell something about what the write up is all about. You may also see application writing examples & samples.