The first disney character was oswald the lucky rabbit the first image of mickey mouse
Option: C. Radicals
The former Confederates had to swear an oath of allegiance after the Civil War. It promoted by Radical Republicans to prevent the political activity of Confederate veterans and supporters in the South. A confederate person had to swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Yes, the sewing machine made sewing more efficient and brought better clothes into the financial reach of more people. But it also created an entirely new industry, the ready-made clothing industry.
Western countries focused on keeping communism only within countries that already had implemented it rather than trying to abolish it completely first.
Science in China has a long history and developed quite independently of Western science.Needham (1993) has researched widely on the development of science and technologies in China, the effect of culture, and the transference of these principles, unacknowledged, to the West.The Chinese contribution to Western science is particularly interesting because it serves as a center of controversy about the roots of Western science.
According to traditional Western scientists, the roots of science and the scientific method is in Greece and Greek thought.There is a tendency among scientists to claim that not only modern science, but science in general, was characteristic of European thought.The accompanying argument in that all scientific contributions from non-European civilizations were technology-based, not science-based (Needham, 1993).