For the most part, students despise the dress code, for a plethora good reasons.What students decide to wear to school acts as a form of symbolic speech, which the First Amendment covers. However, schools claim that the teachers formed the dress code for the benefit of the students. So in the battle between teacher
The correct answer is - The insane live in a reality of their own.
The narrator's reality isn't the same as the old man's reality - this is because the narrator is insane. However, he wasn't always insane - what drew him to madness is the old man's 'eye of a vulture.' He became fascinated with the eye, started hating it so much that he wanted to kill the old man, which he did. After that, his madness didn't go away - it just grew stronger until he admitted his crime.
George Washington was the first president
The rough, rugged and haunted Dallas fascinates Pony. Even before Pony becomes an ace storyteller, Dallas acts as his muse, or inspiration. Pony says,
I used to like to draw his picture when he was in a dangerous mood, for then, I could get his personality down in a few lines. (1.46)
Notice the "used to." This is some subtle foreshadowing. Pony no longer sketches Dally because Dally's already dead when Pony's writing. His death is one of his reasons Pony's writing this piece in the first place