A to indicate the length of time to arrive at a destination
A crush is someone you really like and you can't explain why. I could be a boy, a girl, neither, both, or other it doesn't matter. I have one. I have known this guy for a year. He has always treated me nicely. He has always treated me like I was one of his friends. Even in the locker room we would talk about literally nothing. Unfortunately he isn't gay or at least hasn't came out. I really like him and I hope that you and the other person work out better than I did. Have a nice day :)
<em> Both boys and girls wore a special locket, given to them at birth, called a bulla. A bulla was an amulet, a protective charm against evil. Girls wore their bulla until their wedding night, when it was set aside with other childhood things, like her toys. Boys wore their bulla every day until they were 16 or 17 and became full Roman citizens, with the right to vote and hold office and marry. Both boys and girls wore tunics. Boys wore tunics down to their knees, with a crimson border. In the home, girls wore a simple tunic with a belt at the waist. When girls went outside, the wore a tunic that reached their feet.</em>