The sun moves about 1 degree to the east every (one earth) day relative to the stars. It takes the Sun one year (365.25 earth days) to make a full circle and return back to its original spot.
Answer Choice: C
A political system is also another term for a government system.
The <em>Acadians</em> ... who came from the French-speaking <em>Acadiana</em> region in
Canada, navigated all the way down the east coast of the US, around Florida,
and then for some mysterious and eternally inexplicable reason decided to settle
on the Gulf Coast of Louisiana, generally between Nawlins and Lak Charlie ...
soon became addressed by the locals there as " <em>Cajuns</em> ".
Bem, existem centenas de idiomas e se você quiser Para ser exato, existem 7.139 idiomas falados todos os dias. Apenas 23 deles são mais falados que os outros.
The statement that states have intangible boundaries is false. Your answer is B