<u><em>A sachem is the chief or leader of a tribe, and having anyone of your community do an act of defection (change loyalty to the opposite side) is the beginning of lots of issues, those including: treason, increasing number of deserters, a weakening tribe, etc. Those are the reasons why a sachem should be concern about defection.</em></u>
<span>C. To convey the culture in which the ancient Greeks lived</span>
Pros: get to stay away from people, don't need to see their face if you are shy.
Cons: Cyberbullies, Hackers, and weird people looking to be friendly and know your name, age, location, and where you go to school.
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Below, and I hope that this helps you out.
Serious =
It is acting or speaking sincerely and in earnest, rather than in a joking or halfhearted manner.
Witty =
It is showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor.
Playful =
It is intended for one's own or others' amusement rather than seriously. And giving or expressing pleasure and amusement.
Tender =
It is showing gentleness and concern or sympathy. And also young, immature, and vulnerable.
Sympathetic =
It is feeling, showing, or expressing sympathy.
Haunting =
It is poignant and evocative; difficult to ignore or forget.
Mysterious =
It is difficult or impossible to understand, explain, or identify.
Suspenseful =
It is arousing excited expectation or uncertainty about what may happen.
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