The old regime. Introduction to Russia.
Opposition to tsarism. Revolutionary traditions.
Unrest, promise and betrayal. Russian industrialation.
War and decay. The Lena River massacre.
The Dual Power. The Provisional Government.
The new society. Soviet government.
A nation divided.
Trouble within the Party.
The Mensheviks
The Socialist-Revolutionaries (SRs)
The Kadets and Octobrists
Advert: <u>To avoid a dangerous or harmful situation</u>. <em>Advert means to avoid, prevent, or stop a potential bad situation. </em>
Cauldron: <u>A time of relentless stress or tension</u>. <em>Cauldron refers to a time with heavy stress and a lot going on, sometimes even repressing emotions</em>.
Deteriorate: <u>To lose value or quality of something</u>. <em>Deteriorate means conditions usually worsen over time, and loses value or even quality</em>.
Fiasco: <u>A total and complete disaster or failure</u>. <em>Fiasco means a total mess, everything is out of hand and uncontrollable</em>.
Psychedelic: <u>A term related to the use of drugs</u>. <em>Psychedelic drugs are usually referring to drugs that cause hallucinations</em>.
Quarantine: <u>To isolate a person or nation from the rest of the world</u>. <em>Being quarantined is another word to isolate, or being isolated, sometimes from a certain person, place, or thing.</em>
Born in 1863, Henry Ford was the first surviving son of William and Mary Ford, who owned a prosperous farm in Dearborn, Michigan. At 16, he left home for the nearby city of Detroit, where he found apprentice work as a machinist. He returned to Dearborn and work on the family farm after three years, but continued to operate and service steam engines and work occasional stints in Detroit factories. In 1888, he married Clara Bryant, who had grown up on a nearby farm.In the first several years of their marriage, Ford supported himself and his new wife by running a sawmill. In 1891, he returned with Clara to Detroit, where he was hired as an engineer for the Edison Illuminating Company. Rising quickly through the ranks, he was promoted to chief engineer two years later. Around the same time, Clara gave birth to the couple’s only son, Edsel Bryant Ford. On call 24 hours a day for his job at Edison, Ford spent his irregular hours on his efforts to build a gasoline-powered horseless carriage, or automobile. In 1896, he completed what he called the “Quadricycle,” which consisted of a light metal frame fitted with four bicycle wheels and powered by a two-cylinder, four-horsepower gasoline engine.
Probably go ask your doctor about how many shots you need to take, that's the probably the best way to avoiding bacterial contamination.
A. George W. Bush lost the popular vote, but won the presidency.