When performing, you already have developed your technique and skill in practice sessions. Knowing that you have already mastered the technique and skill should help you to relax.
Through repetition of performances then comes the master of technique.
Jonas is finally giving something back to The Giver—the courage to act. Jonas and The Giver hatch a plan: Jonas will escape from the community, so that all of his memories will return to the people of the community.
<h3><u>I</u><u>t</u><u>'</u><u>s</u><u> </u><u>d</u><u>e</u><u>s</u><u>c</u><u>r</u><u>i</u><u>p</u><u>t</u><u>i</u><u>v</u><u>e</u><u>/</u><u>q</u><u>u</u><u>a</u><u>l</u><u>i</u><u>t</u><u>i</u><u>a</u><u>t</u><u>i</u><u>v</u><u>e</u><u> </u><u>a</u><u>d</u><u>j</u><u>e</u><u>c</u><u>t</u><u>i</u><u>v</u><u>e</u><u>.</u><u>.</u><u>.</u></h3>
The correct answers are "mutual fund", "money market", "real state", and "Stock".
All of these are forms of investment with varying volatility and there, risk.
- <em>Mutual Funds</em> are a form of investment in which you save you entrust your money to an institution who promises you a given return by investing it in diverse markets.
- The <em>Money Market</em> is also an option for trading financial instruments with usual high rates of return (and risk).
- <em>Real Estate</em> investments are an expensive, yet very safe way of investing, as land is the only asset which does not depreciate or lose value.
- <em>Stocks</em> are a small percentage of ownership of companies. The expectation is that the value of these companies will rise leading to a potential gain by selling the stocks.