Beneficence is the practice of offering selfless help to others. Medical and health practitioners are called upon by ethicists to uphold a high degree of commitment to helping other, and refraining from causing harms to others as well as rescuing their patients if they are in dire need of their special skills in treatment and medicine. the practitioners are expected to adhere to acts that brings more benefit to people, their patient and society at large.
what was the activity you did
pain, swelling, and a local rise in temperature.
Proteins and Nucleic Acids are not similar in structure. They look nothing alike, either as large molecules or in terms of their building blocks. While they're both made up of mostly carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen, the elements are assembled in vastly different ways. The major relationship between the two has to do with protein production -- DNA contains the information that a cell uses, with the help of RNA, to make protein.
its faster because our economy is better that others