Due to the density, it should sink further down.
A spider plant sends out runners that have buds. When planted, the bud grows into a mature plant. The resulting plant has one parent and is <u>genetically identical</u> to the parent.
Answer: Option C
Reproduction is of two types one is sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction. The asexual reproduction mostly involves only one parent and therefore the off spring that is born is genetically identical with the parent.
whereas in sexual reproduction that involves 2 parents the off spring born contains a genetic makeup that is a combination of 2 parents and thereby not genetically identical.
Answer: Lifestyle choices are personal decisions to perform a behavior.
the answer would be at the bottom where it`s says explanation.
PAR intensity is an important factor that determines the rate of photosynthesis. At low light intensities above the light compensation point (LCP), photosynthetic rate increases proportionally to the light intensity and reaches a maximum
Answer: B spreading pesticides
Pesticides can be harmful to humans if consumed and can also alter ecosystems by killing insects that are relied on as a food source by animals and pollinators by plants.