Answer: All of the above
200 OK, 301 permanently moved and 400 bad request all are the Hyper text transfer protocol (HTTP) response status type. The HTTP response status types basically indicated the complete request in the HTTP.
All these given types are the responses and request that are involved in the HTTP status type.
200 OK is one of the request which basically depends upon the HTTP status type success.
301 permanently moved is the response in the URL which are used for permanently change the resources of request.
And 400 bad request is not properly understand by server due to the invalid syntax in the HTTP.
Answer: A. speed up or slow down briefly
put that and then i saw someone said b and it was wrong and i got mad because it was the only answer i got wrong. but it’s a
public static double areaSum(Circle c1, Circle c2){
double c1Radius = c1.getRadius();
double c2Radius = c2.getRadius();
return Math.PI * (Math.pow(c1Radius, 2) + Math.pow(c2Radius, 2));
public static void main(String[] args){
Circle c1 = new Circle(6.0);
Circle c2 = new Circle(8.0);
I guess the correct answer is the Enter key
Οn cοmputеr kеybοards, thе еntеr kеy in mοst casеs causеs a cοmmand linе, windοw fοrm, οr dialοg bοx tο οpеratе its dеfault functiοn. This is typically tο finish an "еntry" and bеgin thе dеsirеd prοcеss, and is usually an altеrnativе tο prеssing an ΟK buttοn.