Once a slave ship had a full cargo of enslaved Africans, the captain would set out on the next leg of the journey. This leg, called the Middle Passage , took the Africans away from their homeland, across the Atlantic Ocean to the Americas.
<span>At present (as of 2017 statistics), the national childhood obesity rate is 18.5 percent. The percentage of children who evidence obesity rises as children get older. The obesity rate for 12- to 19-year-olds (middle school through high school) is 20.6%.
Dietary habits have a large role in children's weight issues, and what is available at schools influences what children and teens will eat and drink. As a</span> January, 2011 article published in the J<em>ournal of Adolescent Health </em>asserted: "Schools are in a powerful position to influence children’s diets; therefore attention to foods sold in them is necessary in order to try to improve children’s diets." You could look for that article for more information. It's titled, "Foods Sold in School Vending Machines are Associated with Overall Student Dietary Intake," by Alisha J. Rovner<span>, </span>Tonja R. Nansel<span>, </span>Jing Wang<span>, and </span><span>Ronald J. Iannotti.</span>
The <u>Cold</u> <u>War</u> was the state of political hostility between countries without an outright declaration of war. The hot war ended, and the cold war started. The United States and the Soviet Union fought together against Germany. Since the end of the war, they became hostile to one another. Each worried about the strength of the other one.
<span>Your answer is simply Monotheistic</span>