Just search about south Korea and the put in your own words to write it , Hope you can.
My best wishes , All the best
The correct answer is A.
MLK was a good friends with ROSA and after he heard that what happen a boycott began.
Before then he was already a paster.
The answer is: to practice
The boy is playing a game.
Letter B is the correct answer.
Idioms are a type of figurative language, and they express a feeling and every word should be understood as a whole and the meaning is not literal. Idioms are also untranslatable and we can't find an example of this in the excerpt.
An onomatopoeia is a word that tries to imitate sounds of a person, animal, or thing, creating a sound effect to make the description more expressive. In the excerpt, we can't see any of them.
Personification is when an animal or thing is given human characteristics. There isn't anything like that in the excerpt.
A simile is intended to show similarities between two different nouns and it normally uses the words like or as. In this case, the speaker is comparing the board with house of cards build by a child when he says "like a house that..." making letter B the correct answer.