Supported The American War For Independence
2. Abolished Serfdom On Royal Land
3. Encouraged Exploration
4. Abolished Torture For Confessions
5. Damage Control
6. Tried To Help The Poor
7. Abolished The Labor Tax
8. Promoted Enlightenment
9 Promoted Enlightenment
France established colonies in the middle of North America from what is now Louisiana, north along the Mississippi, east to the Appalachian Mountains, and west to the Rocky Mountains. In addition they had the colony of Quebec in Canada.
The French set up small settlements through their vast colonial lands. They brought fur traders, trappers, missionaries, and men to farm food. The settlements included a church and some buildings for trade and housings. The French were more nomadic in their colonies because they were hunting animals for fur. They also created more friendly relations with the American Indian tribes. These alliances helped France to become successful fur traders and protect their lands from enemy tribes and British settlers.
1.The stock market crash of 1929
2. Bank Failures
3. Reduction of purchasing across the board.
In 1887, after several years of debate and controversy, Congress passed the General Allotment Act, or “Dawes Act,” and President Cleveland signed it into law. The goal of the policy was to break down tribal relationships and hasten Native assimilation into mainstream society.
I think the Townshend Acts were passed in 1776 by parliament
I remember from social studies class but I think it's correct :)