on a shoestring. With very limited financial means, as in The newlyweds were living on a shoestring. The precise allusion in this term is unclear. One fanciful theory is that debtors in British prisons would lower a shoe by its laces from a window so as to collect funds from visitors or passers-by.
When he says "My will to her consent is but a part; An she agree, within her scope of choice Lies my consent and fair according voice." He is saying here that his consent to Juliet and Paris' marriage is "but a part" of the decision, so he believes that her choice is also needed. He says that, while his "consent and fair according voice" may play a part in her choice, she still has a choice, free will.
Compromising your viewpoints and behavior is bad generally: it will in the end only lead to frustration and will be a hindrance in achieving one's goals.
There are many situations in which compromising the viewpoint is bad, and one of the is an interpersonal conflict: it might solve the problem in a short-term, but not in a long term.
Social media is a good way to stay in touch with friends and family who live far away. But if we focus more on the people online than those who are nearby physically, or if we allow our friends who are in close proximity to become online friends only, then we have a problem. We can maintain those online friendships, but we should never substitute them for real friendships with people with whom we can talk and do things in person. Some in-person relationships may be difficult.
The smoothie recipe includes ice, f.berries, ect;....