Into Patriots and Loyalists
They were wondering in search of their lost family members, they were constantly in danger, with a possibility of being killed, secretly enslaved or beaten up harshly. Their lives for sure were quite bitter even after the civil war. After all, the war could not change the point of view of the landowners in the South in a fingerclick, that required much more time and patience.
The Canal was regarded as “The lifeline of the Empire” because it allowed for quick and easy access to the British colonies in Asia and Africa
Drugs like cannabis, cocaine, opium and ecstasy have catastrophic environmental impacts that range from deforestation to land sinking. Whether they smoked a joint on the couch or snorted a line in a club, some 269 million people around the world took drugs in 2018, according to the United Nations
Substance abuse affects and costs the individual, the family, and the community in significant, measurable ways including loss of productivity and unemployability; impairment in physical and mental health; reduced quality of life; increased crime; increased violence; abuse and neglect of children; dependence
Option: D.Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was the most influential on the ideas and thoughts of John Locke. John Locke became famous because of his ideas related to social contact theory. While writing the Declaration of Independence Thomas Jefferson used the thoughts of John Locke. Some of the phrases used like liberty, life, and pursuit of happiness, from Two Treatises on Government.