the role of a woman in the world: we have to deal wit creepy people. we get treated like trash. guys can go and mess wit as many girls as they want but when girls do it its a problem. we get body shammed. we get told were ugly or not pretty enough or we don't do anything. we have to do everything for a man. it doesn't matter how much we do its never enough! and there's lots more
"Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgiastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther….
Ok I got you.
Predicting earthquakes helps reduce the impact of earthquakes because it gives people time to prepare for them.
I'm not really sure what they are trying to ask, but I would say on a developing country the impact would differ because predicting the earthquake would give people time to plan.
People have died during earthquakes, so having the proper protection would mean being able to take refuge in a stable building that would not implode or disintegrate. This would help lessen the amount of casualties, because most people who die in earthquakes are killed from fallen rubble.
Protection from earthquakes would also help developing countries find better ways to build their homes and buildings. This gives them the opportunity to perfect the construction of buildings that can adapt to the volatility of earthquakes
Preparation helps reduce the impact of an earthquake by ensuring that people have the correct and multiple resources needed to survive.
Giving people in developing countries time to prepare for an earthquake betters their chances for survival. Seeing as though they may not have as many resources as citizens in developed countries do, they must rely on other things. For example earthquakes in and underdeveloped country might the people living there to move out of their homes and into a more stable environment.
Sorry this took so long :/Hope it helps