1. These words were said by the old grandfather to the king.
2. The name of the lesson is "A Grain as Big as A Hen's Egg" written by Leo Tolstoy.
3. The word "covet" means to envy or be jealous of something that others have. Wanting or desiring what belongs to others is what "covet" means.
The given quote is a simple explanation that the oldest grandfather gave the king. He said that in his time, no one has any feeling of jealousy for what belongs to others because there was nothing that belongs to a particular person. Everyone shares their produce and also openly/ freely gave to others. As such, everyone was happy with their lives and has no need to 'covet'.
1. These words were said by the oldest grandfather to the king.
2. The name of the lesson is "A Grain as Big as A Hen's Egg" written by Leo Tolstoy.
3. The word "covet" means to envy or be jealous of something that others have. Wanting or desiring what belongs to others is what "covet" means.
The answer is yes. Melville is really criticizing the Christian Missionaries.
Because he uses many biblical, scientific, and mythological themes to built his story. The lighting -rod man is a representation of the missionares, while the narrator represents Melville beliefs. The center idea of the story is that the christianism convertion is destroying the cultures, values, and customs established before. The convertion is not about real spiritually, but about imposing the missionaries way of living. The narrator tries to dissuade his neighbors from believing in the lightining rod man, Melville believes in a God full of love and not in a God or religion imposed by fear.
The contact information is the only optional part on an email
Hope this helps
In- is the root word in this case .