Liz shouted for everyone to leave the building and "Liz shouted for everyone to leave the building."
(Can you choose two?)
Number one isn't correct, because even if someone was saying Liz shouted for everyone to leave the building, the period should be inside the quotations, not outside, so that one's incorrect either way.
The next one, it should be Liz shouted for, "everyone to leave the building." So the comma is in the wrong place for that one.
Example of actions speaking louder than words: let’s say you ask your friend not to do something and they say they won’t do it again but they continue to do it then you bring it up again and they say they won’t but continue to do it. Their actions are speaking louder than their words.
A poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes, in English typically having ten syllables per line.