Hello, yes i am if u need help feel free to ask me whenever
Cùng Đọc tài liệu xem qua một số bài văn mẫu dưới đây để hiểu hơn về về văn miêu tả có sử dụng biện pháp nghệ thuật nhé. Đề bài. Viết một bài văn thuyết minh về ...
The science or art of ordering tones or sounds in succession, in combination, and in temporal relationships to produce a composition having unity and continuity.
The staff would hopefully say "Sorry the doctors not in right now thank you buh bye" and then id maybe go comando and leave to live in a tent or if i answered id maybe say "i had no idea he/she never gave me any signs of this behavior before i dont know what to say but this is a case of bipoler issuse or drug abuse and maybe a bit of depression he/she was nit willing ti share with me." something like that :P