La accoion es reflexiva.
Since reflexiva in English "reflexive" means words that show the person whose action is also the person who is affected by it.
Cristina lava su ropa which means Christina washes her clothes
Cristina se despierta which means Christina wakes up
Both are actions that affects the person who is doing the action.
I hope that this helps and that is right. ;)
When a horse makes a sound, it neighs. So the sound horses make is called a “neigh”.
1. Tú tienes un bolígrafo. You have a pen
2. Él tiene una calculadora. He has a calculator
3. Yo tengo un lápiz. I have a pencil
4. Ella tiene dos libros. She has two books
5. Vosotros tenéis clase hoy. You all have class today
6. Sara y Ana tienen los papeles l. Sara and Ana have the papers
7. Nosotros tenemos computadoras. We have computers
8. Ellos tienen un horario. They have a schedule
9. Ustedes tienen tarea. Do you have homework
10. Tú tienes un cuaderno. You have a notebook
11. Juan tiene la clase de arte hoy. Juan has art class today
12. Yo tengo una mochila. I have a backpack
13. Ella tiene un escritorio. She has a desk
Las _ cachapas __forman parte de la dieta básica de Venezuela.