What romeo means is juliet is the enemy of there side and thou may love shall not continue but still will
The answers for packet is in my FILE
Okonkwo struck the last blow to Ikemefuna b/c he was afraid of being thought weak.
Here's some topics, do the one that interests you most:
- How to prevent stress
- Feminism
- Why trees should not be cut down / deforestation
- Foster care
- Ocean biomes
- Family violence
- Human cloning benefits
- How do clouds form
- Extinct / endangered species
- Why the titanic sank
- Black holes in space
1. What is text multimedia? -
Text in multimedia presentations makes it possible to convey large amounts of information using very little storage space. Computers customarily represent text using the ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) system.
2. What is text fleximedia? -FlexiMedia software is designed to manage and control the unique business operations of an Outdoor Advertising company. ... The system manages all aspects from sending quotation to invoice printing, mounting and dismounting the hoarding for an Outdoor Advertising company.
I hope this helps! Good Luck! ;)