George W. Bush - US PRESIDENT FROM 2001-2009
Goerge Bush had sad and hard childhood. Her sister died at young age. Bush attended Sam Houston Elementary School in Midland and moved to Houston with his family in 1959, where he attended the private Kinkaid School. He spent his high school years at Phillips Academy Andover, in Andover, Massachusetts, which his father had also attended. It was a family tradition and a privilege to attend a school such as Andover, but it was not without drawbacks; life at the exclusive school was regimented, academically rigorous, cold, snowy, and devoid of female students. Bush learned to be self-sufficient but initially struggled in his studies. He received a zero on his first written assignment at the Academy, overutilizing Roget’s Thesaurus in order to boost his vocabulary.
Up until 1895, the U.S. didn't get involved when European governments would create puppet governments, so as to avoid obvious colonization.
Japan felt disrespected by the treaty of Portsmouth provisions, because "it did not get to keep all of the territory that it was promised"--mostly due to the fact that there was very little oversight of the treaty terms.