He did so because he wanted revenge on France and England for winning the first war. He was a young soldier in the WWI and felt that Germany was shamed after the war. So he started the second to gain respect back and to prove that their country was also a great superpower. He believed in racial purification and wanted to take over Europe and remodel it the way he wanted.
South Carolina was placed under military control because Abraham Lincoln believed that reconstruction of the South, after the Civil War was done, needed to be merciful to heal the country. The Reconstruction Act of 1867 placed Southern countries under military rule.
B. Mao's focus on rural steel production led to widespread famine and starvation.
Due to the immense focus of the rural population on producing steel, and environmental disasters (Great Chinese Famine, 1959-1961), the resulting consequence was failure to produce enough food to sustain the population (leading to widespread famine and starvation).

➤ When a few companies dominate the market, it’s called Oligopoly
An Oligopoly is referring to when a few companies dominate, overpower or become more successful or larger than other companies or markets. It does not matter how powerful the dominated or dominating companies are. Oligopoly is simply referring to a few companies. Although only a few firms dominate, it is possible that many small firms may also operate in the market.
- Mordancy
hoonkai labinkski shan dooni pahani cacani the 5th