I’m in hufflepuff! But was sorted into slytherin a few times. So I guess, slytherpuff.
Okay, here’s what I found
Both excerpts are examples of science fiction, and they both describe machines that attack humans. However, the Campbell excerpt is an example of hard sci-fi because the style and narration places emphasis on the functionality and complexity of a certain technology—in this case, a rocket ship. The “Richard” excerpt is an example of social sci-fi since the purpose of the futuristic technology is not simply in its function, but more in its effect on humanity. In the Campbell excerpt, the push of a button brings a machine to life. The function and the structure of the machine is given emphasis. In the “Richard” excerpt, the effect the machines have on people is given emphasis. One of the survivors even speaks about the machine as if it were a person.
It would be appeal to emotions because because her mother is trying to get the daughter to sympathize with starving children
Football and hockey is an incomplete sentence because there is no verb.
Include labeled illustrations of a flightless bird and a flying bird so readers understand which parts the flightless bird is missing that would allow it to fly.