Well, one way unfair judgement has affected me is by having someone side with another person based on my looks. Some people think that I might be dumb because of how bubbly and outgoing I can act so they choose someone who they think won't be 'dumb' based on their outwards appearance and how they act. Another way is how some people will choose to dislike me based on first impressions and my appearance, most people automatically will choose to befriend someone based on things that are only skin deep.
The answer is 5: a thesis
The <em>repetition of a specific theme dominanting</em> of things that have a significance in a literary work is what this literay device, motif, is about. It helps to develop the central theme. And, being a <em>recorring </em>element, it can be used as a <em>reminder of certain ideas</em> for the readers; <em>it's like the claim or main argument about a topic.</em>
A1: every one except em.
A2: Greek is not a Celtic language.
acho que é issoeu
"Amon fundou todos os países, fundou-os após ter criado primeiramente
o Egito. A arte veio de lá, de onde tu vens, até aqui onde eu estou, e a
educação veio de lá até aqui onde eu estou".
Não somente a Fenícia, mas também a Mesopotâmia parece reconhecer no
Egito a origem da própria cultura, pelo menos a se crer na opinião que
nos foi transmitida por Diodoro de Sicília, um escritor grego muito mais
recente, que no século I d.C. assim escreveu na sua Bíbliatbeca