Famous sea voyargers like Christoper Columbus and Ferdinand Mallegan were paid to go on these sea voyages to look for untouched land, new trades routes, as well as new foods, animals, or treasures. Columbus was sent out to find a trade route to India in order to buy prices and goods, but found the Americas, which the Spanish later colonized.
The answer that best describes how African Americans participated in the war effort during World War II is letter B. They were fully integrated into the armed forces and fought alongside whites. They actually volunteered to join
The architecture style is different. romanesque churches came first. they were bulky, strong and had really thick walls. their windows were regular roman arched shapes. they usually have lower ceilings and not much light inside.
Gothic cathedrals came later. they have pointed arches, lots of tall windows for light stained glass and flying buttresses to help support the higher and thinner walls.
thats all i have to say lol
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