Just read the book and then circle the words you don't understand learn them and then read it again
This should be the cell membrane.
Wood has_chemical energy_____ energy while a burning fire has__heat energy __ energy
Wood is a material that makes up the central part of the trunk and branches of trees. Wood is made up of complex hydrocarbons and a rich cellulose network of organic molecules. A wood stores chemicals energy.
Combustion process such as burning liberates heat energy in them. Burning occurs in the presence of oxygen. As the oxygen combines with the materials, heat becomes liberated to the surroundings. Burning is an exothermic process in which heat energy is liberated.
Agglutination is defined as the clumping of blood particles which occurs when an antigen binds with corresponding antibody in blood plasma.
Agglutination is most commonly used in blood grouping. While determining blood type, few blood drops are mix with sera that contain antibodies (anti-sera) against the ABO and the Rh systems. If the blood cells forms clump, the antibody bound to appropriate antigen on the cells and on the basis of agglutination blood group is assigned to an individual, for example if blood agglutinates in anti-A, the A antigen and are Type A blood group.