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The answer is supplicate: ask. Imply and hint are synonyms, but hint implies speaking. Supplicate means to generally to ask for something, but "ask" involves the actual speaking.
Uh may I please see the statements and maybe the passage? Thank you
Given number 34.5 / 45
the question is: will the answer be greater than? Less than? Or equals to
The answer is Less than 1, why?.
Because our dividend which is 34.5 is less than our divisor which is 45.
Let’s solve:
=> 34.5 / 45, divide our dividend by our divisor
=> 0.7667… repeating decimals = the answer is a repeating decimal.
=> 0.77 = less than one, thus our answer is correct which is less than
She has no more sons they can marry so they should return home to their mother's.
She tried to persuade them by telling them that she had no more sons they could marry by the customs and even if she got married and bore sons, it would be a long time to come of age before she could give them as husband to them.