The Danube and Rhine rivers.
The United States was motivated to build the Panama Canal to shorten ship routes. The only way to get from California to, let’s say, Brazil, was to go all around South America and waste so much time getting there. So as a result, The United States decided to build a canal for boats and ships to pass through in Central America to shorten the journey, and therefore getting goods faster and easier.
Hope this helps (:
sandra and Michael? sorry thats the best I can do
The only two places where Ronald Reagan did not win the electoral college were Minnesota and Washington DC. Besides that, Reagan won every single state in the US. This resulted in one of the biggest political landslides in US history, as Reagan received 525 electoral votes to Walter Mondale's 13.
Sui dynasty, Wade-Giles (Wendi) romanization Sui, (581–618 ce), short-lived Chinese dynasty that unified the country after four centuries of fragmentation in which North and South China had gone quite different ways.