To me that is pizza burgers and coke cola
The United Nations Millennium Declaration, signed in September 2000, commits world leaders to combat poverty, hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against women. The MDGs are derived from this Declaration.
Nepal was partially successful in achieving MDG 7 on environmental sustainability due to the slow growth of access to energy though forest cover increased to 44.5 percent in 2015 from 37 percent in 1990.
26% of children in the United States were Latino in 2017.
The answer is:
In this case, Cecilia only decides to buy the necklace, knowing that the cost of diamonds depends only on the demand.
She will find a good price, because she knows the product availibility exceeds the demands, making the prices go low! when people start looking for this kind of diamond, the reverse will happen. The demands will exceed availability and prices will rise. Cecilia takes advantage of the fact that demand is low.
Option B.
Adolf Hitler’s plan to mass-exterminate "undesirable" peoples, is the right answer.
During the Second World War, the Final Solution was a plan of Nazis for the genocide of Jews population. The "Final Solution to the Jewish question" was a code for the mass slaughter of all Jews within the reach of the Nazis. This solution was not confined to the European continent. This policy of voluntary and well-organised genocide beginning across Europe under the occupation of Germany was formed in procedural and geopolitical courses by Nazi influence in January 1942. As a result of this solution, the world witnessed the mass killing of 90 per cent of the total Jews population.