The cycle of photosynthesis and respiration maintains the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen on earth. Photosynthesis makes the glucose that is used in cellular respiration to make ATP. The glucose is then turned back into carbon dioxide, which is used in photosynthesis. While water is broken down to form oxygen during photosynthesis, in cellular respiration oxygen is combined with hydrogen to form water. While photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, cellular respiration requires oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. It is the released oxygen that is used by us and most other organisms for cellular respiration. We breathe in that oxygen, which is carried through our blood to all our cells. In our cells, oxygen allows cellular respiration to proceed. Cellular respiration works best in the presence of oxygen. Without oxygen, much less ATP would be produced.
In a scenario in which I have to synthesize a cell and decide why I have to pick one from Prokaryotic or eukaryotic because of their differences in the speed of the process. The characteristics that make it faster in prokaryotic cells are:
The primary transcript in prokaryotes does not undero further processing, so transation can begin immediatly.
Multiple proteins can be synthetized from a single polycistronic MRNA molecule.
Prokaryotes lack a nuclear envelope, so translation can begin on mRNA even before transcription of the mRNA is complete.
The nature of Prokaryotes makes them undergo the synthesizing process quicker than Eukaryotes because they don't require a preliminary process to start it as Eukaryotes have to undergo one. This is because their composition, Eukaryotes are cells without many organelles like mitochondria or even nucleus. this is also the reason for eukaryotes to be slower in the process of synthesizing mRNA because they don't have organelles to process it faster. Finally, because they don't have a nucleus to help them assimilate the mRNA.
Answer: That translates to "Which is the potential for action" in English. I hope that is what you were looking for as I have nothing else to base your question off of, as you only put a line of Spanish as your question.
They act to regulate the expression of specific genes (androgen-responsive)
Testosterone is a reproductive hormone in male humans. Testosterone as well as its closely related hormones e.g dihydrotestosterone, all belong to a class of hormones called "Androgens".
Androgens operate by entering into a cell and binds with specific androgen-receptor proteins (AR proteins). This contact activates the AR proteins, forming an androgen-receptor complex.
This complex then translocates into the nucleus of specific cells to bind to the DNA. Once it binds, it either inhibits or promotes the expression of specific genes (androgen-responsive). Hence, AR proteins are transcription factors because they play a significant role in regulating transcription of specific genes i.e. turning 'on' or 'off' of specific genes.
This process helps to direct the development of male sexual characteristics.
Carrying capacity, or the maximum number of individuals that an environment can sustain over time without destroying or degrading the environment, is determined by a few key factors: food availability, water, and space