Sea anemones are marine predatory animals. They are like a terrestrial flowering plant due to their colorful appearance. They are coming under the phylum cnidaria.
Sea anemones are found in different forms called a polyp. It has a columnar trunk, on the top of the trunk an oral disc and centrally placed mouth. The mouth is surrounded by tentacles.
Sea anemones have a gastrovascular cavity that serves as stomach. This cavity has one opening both meant for mouth and anus.
Sea anemones are capable of changing their shape and lives on the mud, holding it by pedal disc.
Polychaetes are segmented worms. Each segment of the body bears parapodia. It helps them in locomotion. There are different types of polychaetes, tube-dwelling polychaetes are one of them.
Tube - dwelling polychaetes make tubes to protect their soft bodies.
They don't have parapodia but some special anterior structures for feeding. The tubes are made from calcareous materials.
<span>Mammals are advanced synapsids, animals distinguished by having extra openings in the skull behind the eyes; this opening gave the synapsids stronger jaw muscles and jaws (the jaw muscles were anchored to the skull opening) than previous animals.
Synapsids include the mammals, and their ancestors, the pelycosaurs, therapsids, and cynodonts. Pelycosaurs (like Dimetrodon and Edaphosaurus) were early synapsids, they were mammal-like reptiles. Later synapsids include the therapsids and the cynodonts (with multicusped post-canine teeth; they lived from the late Permian through the Triassic period).
The cynodonts led to the true mammals. Over time, the synapsid gait became more upright and tail length decreased</span>
The liver can regenerate up to half of itself
<span>Buddhists and Islam commonly construct their sacred places in their own homes. Buddhists build shrines in their own homes for personal worship, meditation, and offerings for Buddha. A mosque, the Islam place of worship is any place devoted to prayer. It could be a house, or an open area of ground that was considered sacred.</span>
How many times are you gonna ask? Imao
Explanation: when I’m in my room and no one is around to drown out my own noise, that’s when I feel the most lonely.
So it feels like SHlT