<span>Advanced mathematics was critical to the development of the Mayan calendar. The Maya needed a system of mathematics to record celestial movements over the years, to handle large numbers, and to calculate the solar and lunar year with great precision.</span>
a lot of taxes on the colonists
Laissez faire- government didn't regulate business nearly enough. Businesses could monopolize and jack up their prices. lack of government involvement is hurting america.
not too sure about business consolidates
big businesses becoming powerful- big business could swamp small businesses and raise their prices really high, but there would be no small businesses left for people to spend their money on a cheaper alternative
The intent of each of these laws are:
1. Homestead Act - gave an opportunity to settlers to own a land with its requirement that the owner is the head of the family and is a citizen.
2. Pacific Railway Act - gave huge grants of land to railway companies.
3. Morrill Act - gave land to the states and establish colleges specializing in agriculture and mechanic arts.
Labor, planting the fields, plowing the fields. etc.