ANSWER: Social Reconstruction meant establishing a new relationship between whites and former slaves, political reconstruction involved writing a new state constitution that rejected the concepts of secession and slavery, and economic reconstruction called for a new labor system to replace the institution of slavery.
plz thank me!!!!!!!thank you :)
It increased the demand for enslaved laborers.
It increased the speed at which cotton could be produced.
It increased the demand for cotton.
It increased the growth of farms and plantations.
Clarence Darrow was the famous top criminal lawyer who defended John Scopes. John Scopes was the teacher who taught evolution in a Tennessee high school.
Use an argumentative essay when your intent, as the author, is <u>to persuade</u> the reader into believing or agreeing with what you think.
Explanatory introductions are more for <u>discussion</u> based essays. - An essay that takes a look at all perspectives and is <em>not </em>biased.
Biased: meaning unfairly prejudiced for or against someone or something.